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Coffee. Deriving from the Ottoman Turkish kahve, by way of the Italian caffè and the Arab verb qahā, "to lack hunger", this mystical concoction has been savored across the world throughout the ages. The personal ritual in brewing the perfect cup is systematic in approach while creative in taste and execution. For many, it is the way we start our morning in preparation for the rest of the day.

Each fix is unique, completely customized to the perscription and preference of the brewer by means of ingredients and process. How do you take yours? Dark, light or flavored roast? Black, with cream or sweetened? Hot, iced or cold brew? Drip, French, Siphon, etc. the options and methods are endless.

Blending science with art, coffee has a complexity in taste, texture and application worthy of legendary fame and primal taste.


So, what is my optimal cup of coffee?

- Aeropress

- Dark Roast

- Drop of Almond Milk

- Blended with Coconut Oil & Butter

- Dash of Cinnamon


Coffee is my morning ritual. It is a meditative process in which I can focus on the task at had while mentaly prepare for the rest of my day. Grinding the beans while the water boils, I embrace the intoxicating aroma while I press the infusion through the vaccuum pressed filter onto the now melting fatty blend butter and coconut oil. Dashing cinnamon and a touch of almond milk, the blending brings the experimental mix to a perfect froth. This is the morning fuel for a Coffee Creative.

The Mythological Aeropress

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Shoot me a message for more information, interest, or general inquiries!


Seeking a career in the more creative side of business, I am interested in the marketing industry while I utilize data to drive effect business decisions. Incorporating my passions and track record in Social Media, Video, and Digital Marketing strategies, I hope to continue to follow my work experience and academics to provide myself with a strong foundation in Marketing, Business Consulting, and Information Technology.

© 2017

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